
Travel better connected

Empower your travelers to discover what’s best by providing engaging content throughout all parts of the trip.

Innovative solutions for business travel

Our platform integrates seamlessly with your existing travel tech and enables travel managers to communicate and engage with travelers throughout their entire journey, delivering the right message at the right time with guidance at every part of the trip.

Achieve a new level of impact, engagement, and influence in your business travel program.


Impact corporate initiatives

Leverage the power of your traveler’s decisions by aligning their behavior with the priorities you’re focused upon.


Connect engaging content

Empower travelers with targeted insights, specific guidance, and interactive content from our partners.


Influence traveler behavior

Enable travelers to discover what’s best by providing rich details for your preferred options support their trip.


Reach the entire journey

Extend your reach throughout all parts of a trip, so you can communicate and guide travelers when it matters most.

Tripkicks Connections

Connections super-charge your program

Tripkicks Connections make it easy for travel managers to communicate and engage with travelers, so they have everything they need to make the best decisions. 

Transform your business travel experience